Whenever you have about one week of your medication remaining, please check your pill bottle first to ensure that refills are available. If you have refills remaining, you must call your pharmacy to fill your prescription. Please do not contact your physician if your prescription has refills remaining.
Anytime you are out of refills, please call your pharmacy to speak to the pharmacist (not the automated pharmacy phone line) and tell him/her that you are out of refills. The pharmacist will then contact your physician via fax or email with your refill request. Sometimes your physician has already ordered your medication (i.e. during your annual physical) and the prescription has been put “on hold” at the pharmacy. If you know for certain that your physician has already ordered the medication, tell your pharmacist that the prescriptions may have been filed.
When you call our office for prescription refills, it ties up phone lines and personnel time, which prevents us from meeting your request in a timely manner.
Please allow our office 24 – 48 hours to meet your refill request.
Thank you for your cooperation.